Create a Chocolate Tablet Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners

Hello Chocolate Lovers, in here I would share about create a Chocolate Tablet Text Effect in Photoshop . As you know, I will apply the C...

Hello Chocolate Lovers, in here I would share about create a Chocolate Tablet Text Effect in Photoshop. As you know, I will apply the Chocolate texture to the Text. I think it looks so yummy, and attractive, because some people will say, that text effect look like the real of Chocolate.

Before we are starting to edit the Chocolate Tablet Text Effect, the first I will share about the result of this Photoshop Tutorial. And look at the picture below :

Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners
The Result  ( source :

Ok guys, that is the result of Chocolate Tablet Text Effect, if you want to make the Text Effect like that picture, you just need Adobe Photoshop Software. You can use any version of Adobe Photoshop, and don't worry because this Photoshop Tutorial are so easy, especially for beginners.

Please follow our Chocolate Text Effect Tutorial step by step, to have the good, and satisfying result.

Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners :

  • STEP 1 - Make the New Document and Background

The first step of Adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners is, open your Adobe Photoshop Software, and make the New Wok sheet or New Document, and I am using 2000x1500 pixels for the Document size. 

Then active on the Gradient tool (G). On the Gradient color setting, for the color use Dark Brown, and Light Brown. Then you need to use Reflected Gradient, and click on the New Document from the top to the down until you get the Gradient like in the picture below. 

Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners
Step 1 ( source :

  • Step 2 - Make the Text

The second step of Adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners is, activate the Type Tool (T). You need to write the Text as you want, for an example is you name. In here I am using Franklin Gothic for the font type, and for the font size I am using 120 pt, and for the color is Dark Brown. 

Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners
Step 2 ( source :

  • STEP 3 - Add the Photoshop Effect

The third step of illustrator tutorials for beginners step by step is, add the Photoshop Effect to your Text. And you need to use a right click on Text layer > choose Blending Options. In here we will apply some effect that is will make the text look like Chocolate. 

Set the Bevel and Emboss

The function of Bevel and Emboss is to make the text have the light and shadow. So the Chocolate Text Effect looks like 3D. 
You need to click on Bevel and Emboss, then set the text :
  • Style : Inner Bevel
  • Technique Smooth 
  • Depth 154
  • Size 13
  • Shadow mode, use Dark Brown
Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners
Set Bevel and Emboss  ( source :


The next step of illustrator tutorials for beginners step by step is, you need to search the squares texture, that is look like Chocolate Texture. The function is, to make the Text surface, looks like Chocolate Texture. Then click on small arrow in right side > find the "Pattern". After that you need to choose the Pattern like in the picture below.

Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners
Set the Texture ( source :

For the size, you need to set :
  • Scale 202%
  • Depth -50%
Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners
Set the Texture ( source :


For the illustrator Tutorial 2018, you need to set the Stroke :
  • Size : 25 pixel 
  • Position Center
  • Blend Mode : Normal
  • Opacity is 100 %
  • for the Fill type, use the Dark Brown. then click on OK button. 
Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners
Set the Stroke ( source :

Then look at the result in the picture below, actually this is the Basic illustrator Tutorials 2018, of course you can add more Text Effect, more picture, more text, to make the result better than us, and attractive. I know you are creative.

Create a Chocolate Tablet  Text Effects in Photoshop for beginners
The result ( source :

OK, thank you for visiting our Website, Read our Tutorial Article, and especially follow our Tutorial step by step. And if you guys have any Title Suggestion for the next article, you can post in comment. 
And we are apologize if there is an error in our article, or you can give advice to our article, you can post in comment to.

And, just waiting for our next update. Bye.



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