Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners

Put Image inside Text in Photoshop is one of the famous Text style today. And now I would share about this Text effect . Actually t...

Put Image inside Text in Photoshop is one of the famous Text style today. And now I would share about this Text effect.

Actually this Photoshop Tutorial are so easy and the Text Effect result are very good. We will trying to insert image inside a Text. In this text effect you can give a meaning to the Text, for an example is, the Text is Beach, and the Image is Beach picture.

Before we are starting to edit, I would share the result of Put Image inside Text in Photoshop . Look at the picture below:

Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners
The Result

OK. if you want to make the Text style like in the picture above, let's follow our Photoshop Tutorial step by step.

Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners :

  • STEP 1 - make New Document

The first step of Put Image inside Text illustrator is, make the New Document, or New Worksheet by pressing Ctrl + N, on your keyboard.
After that, set the Worksheet size, in here I am using 1200 x 100 pixels, actually you can use any Worksheet size. And use White color for the Background.

Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners
Step 1

  • STEP 2 - Open Photo in Photoshop

Open your Image that in want to insert inside Text. In here I am using The boys photo. You can use other photo, like your family's photo, panorama's photo, your animal photo, and the others.

Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners
Step 2

  • STEP 3 - Write a Text

The third step of Put Image inside Text illustrator is, activate the Text Tool (T). In here I am using Cooper Black for the font type. By using 250 px, for the font size. But you can use other Font type, and font size.
Make the text into 3 parts, like in the picture below. 

Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners
Step 3

After that move the Text Layer bottom of Image Layer. Then use a right click on Image Layer, and choose Create Clipping mask. Then will be like in the picture below.

Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners
Step 3.1

  • STEP 4 - Give an Effect on text

The fourth step of illustrator Tutorials for beginners step by step is, give and effect on the Text to make the text more attractive and beauty. 
Use a right click on Text Layer > choose Blending Options > choose Stroke.
  • Size : 4 px
  • Position : Outside
  • Blend Mode : Normal
  • Opacity : 100%
  • Color : Black, for the color, you can use other color as you want. 
Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners
Step 4

After that choose Drop Shadow .
  • Blend mode : multiply
  • Opacity : 52 %
  • Distance : 10 px
  • Size : 3 px
Put Image inside Text in Photoshop for beginners
Step 4.1

And the result will be like in the picture below :
OK, guys. The illustrator Tutorials for beginners step by step so easy right ?, and the result as so attractive, and beauty. You just utilize the Clipping Mask function and the image will follow text shape. 

OK, thank you for visiting our Website, Read our Tutorial Article, and especially follow our Tutorial step by step. And if you guys have any Title Suggestion for the next article, you can post in comment. 
And we are apologize if there is an error in our article, or you can give advice to our article, you can post in comment to.

And, just waiting for our next update. Bye.

REFERENCE : https://www.grafis-media.website/2015/11/membuat-efek-gambar-berada-dalam-teks.html


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