Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop

After a few days ago, we are discuss about Create a Gold Text Effect , and now I would share about Create an Engraved Metal Text effect ....

After a few days ago, we are discuss about Create a Gold Text Effect, and now I would share about Create an Engraved Metal Text effect.

And for this text effect generally using the same method to make the Text effect that I have explained. We will use the same filter, and Blending Options. Especially in this Photoshop Tutorial, we will use the main tools that is Bevel and Emboss, Blending Options, and Ripple filter that is provide by Photoshop.

And before we are starting to Learn make this effect, I will show the result first. Look at the picture below :
Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
The result

And, if you want to make that Engraved Metal Text effect, let's follow our Photoshop Tutorial step by step, to have the good, and satisfying result.

Of course, you can use any version all version of Adobe Photoshop. Because the function is same.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop  :

  • STEP 1

The first step of Engraved Metal Text effect is, make the New Document or New Worksheet, by pressing Ctrl + N. Then set the New Document size, you can use other size that you want. And in here I am using 1200 x 900 pixels.
And for the Background, I am using White Color.

Then activate the Text Tool (T), and write the Text as you want. In here for the font type, I am using Myrad Hybrew, and for the font size is 450 pt. Then you can press Enter button.
Actually you can use the other font type, and font size.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 1

  • STEP 2

The second step of Adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners is, use a right click on Text Layer > choose Rasteriza type . Then duplicate that Layer, by clicking Ctrl + J ( two times : to get 2 duplicate Layer).
Then, you need to give Layer Name. You can give name, Text 1, Text 2, Text 3, to make that Layer properly arranged.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 2

  • STEP 3

And now, you need to ensure you are in Text 1 Layer. Then make the other Layer ( Background, Text 1, Text 2) not visible by clicking eyes icon, look at the picture below.

Then you need to choose Filter menu > Distort > Ripple > and give the Amount : 350 % > size : Medium, then click OK button.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 3

To make the effect not looks monotonous, you can rotate the effect by clicking Ctrl + T > use a right click > Rotate 90 degree CW > Enter. Then you can press Ctrl + F ( to get the same filter effect before).

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 3.1

If you have give the same effect, you can rotate the text to the original position. You can choose Rotate 90 degree CCW.  Then will looks like this picture below.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 3.2

  • STEP 4

The fourth step of Adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners is, you must ensure you are active on Text 2 Layer.  And make the other Layer not visible ( Background, Text 3, and Text 1).
Then you need to choose Filter menu > Give the Amount : 650% > size : Medium > click OK button.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 4

Then rotate like step 3, and click Ctrl + F.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 4.1

  • STEP 5

The fifth step of illustrator Tutorials for beginners step by step is, you need to active on Text 3 layer, and make the other Layer not visible by clicking eyes icon.

Then you need to choose Filter menu > give the Amount : 800% > size : Medium, then click on OK button.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 5

Rotate the text 90 degree , and choose Filter > Ripple > Amount 400 % > size Medium > then click OK button.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 5.1

Now, rotate the text to the original position.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 5.2

Then, we need to make the effect more scattered, by clicking Ctrl + F ( two times).

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 5.3

And now, you can remove eyes icon on each Layer, to make all layer visible.

  • STEP 6 - Gold Effect

The sixth step of illustrator Tutorials for beginners step by step is, use a right click on Text 3 Layer > choose Blending Options.
Then you need to give Bevel and Emboss, and give the setting like in the picture below.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 6

Add more effect, by choose Gradient Overlay, for the color you can choose Young Orange to the Dark Orange.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 6.1

And add more Satin setting, by choosing Yellow color, then click Ok button.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
Step 6.2

  • STEP 7

In this step you need to copy this Blending Options setting ( Text 3 layer ) to the other Layer.
By using a right click on Text 3 Layer > choose Copy layer style > Paste to other Layer. Then look at the result.

Create an Engraved Metal Text Effect in Photoshop
The result

You can read : Create Colorful text Effect in Photoshop easily
OK, thank you for visiting our Website, Read our Tutorial Article, and especially follow our Tutorial step by step. And if you guys have any Title Suggestion for the next article, you can post in comment. 
And we are apologize if there is an error in our article, or you can give advice to our article, you can post in comment to.

And, just waiting for our next update. Bye.



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