Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners

Hello guys, today I would share about Sugar text Effect in Photoshop . And actually it will so interest, and looks so yummy, and sweet. ...

Hello guys, today I would share about Sugar text Effect in Photoshop. And actually it will so interest, and looks so yummy, and sweet.

And, in here we will use tool that is provide by Adobe Photoshop. The main tools is Brushes, and Stroke. And don't worry for the beginners, because to make this Text Effect are so simple, and easy.

OK, before we are starting to make that Photoshop Tutorial, I would share the result first. Look at the picture below :

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
The Result

Then, if you want to make like in the picture above, let's follow our Sugar Text Effect in Photoshop Tutorial step by step. And be patient, to have the good, and satisfying result. And FYI you can use other version of Adobe Photoshop Software.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners :

  • STEP 1 

The first step of Adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners is, make the New Document or new Worksheet. By pressing Ctrl + N.
Then set the size of New document, in here I am using 2000 x 1400 pixels . Then insert the Background as you want ( without Background, it's no problem, but give the color ). And resize the Background by pressing Ctrl + T.
Then make a Text, by click on T icon, or Text Tool, and write the text as you want. And in here for the font type I am using Futura Md BT, with the font size is 272pt.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 1

Then, you need to use a right click on text Layer, and choose Create Work Path.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 1.1

In the next, you need to make new Layer, top of text Layer. And give a name. And I give the New Layer name is "Gula1". Then remove the Eyes Icon, in Text Layer. And only Work Path line are visible. 

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 1.2

To make it easy, show up the Path dialog box, by choose Windows > then click on Path

  • STEP 2

In here, we need to active on Gula1 Layer. Then choose Windows > Brushes.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 2

Set the "Brush Tip Shape " , then use the spacing 10%, and choose Square brush.  

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 2.1

Choose Shape Dynamic, and set the size jlitter 47%, Angle jlitter 100%. Look at the picture below.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 2.2

Then continue to set Scattering, make Scatter 250%, Count 1, Count jlitter 50%. Then close this Brush setting. 

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 2.3

  • STEP 3

The next step of Adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners is. Activate the brush, and use the brush size 8px.
Then you need to choose Path Selection Tool, or press A
Then use a right click on picture area( don't touch path line), and choose "Stroke Path ", then will show up the Dialog box like in the picture below. Don't give a checklist on Simulate Pressure. Just click OK button.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 3

  • STEP 4

In this step, you need to make the New Layer, and give a name "Gula2". And repeat Step 3, but for the Brush size change to 6 px. And press B.
In the next, make the New Layer, give a name "Gula3", and repeat Step 3, by using the same method. 

And now, we need to make New Layer, and give a name "Gula4", set the brush > choose Scattering, then make the Scatter 500%. Then use the same method on Step 3. 

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 4

If you have finish to setting that Layer. Use a right click on the picture > choose Delete Path, to delete the path or text vector line. 

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 4.1

  • STEP 5

The next step of illustrator tutorials for beginners step by step is, use a right click on the top Layer > choose Blending Options.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 5

Choose Drop Shadow, set the Opacity 45 %, Distance 1, Size 2. This function is to give the Shadow.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 5.1

Choose Bevel and Emboss, and set like in the picture below. 

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 5.2

The last is, choose Color Overlay, choose the color almost white or the young grey. Then click on OK button, and look at the result. 

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 5.3

Now, we need to copy this Layer style to the other Layer. By using a right click on the Layer, choose Copy Layer style. And paste to the other Gula Layer ( Gula1, Gula2, Gula3).

  • STEP 6

The next step of illustrator tutorials for beginners step by step is, make the picture gradient. This step is additional, to make the result are more highlighted. 

Make the New Layer and press G , use a Reflected Gradient

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 6

Then use the Gradient like in the picture below.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 6.1

Then, pull the vertical line , from bottom to the top. And make the Opacity 40%.

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners
Step 6.2

The result will be like in the picture below. 

Create Sweet Sugar text Effect in Photoshop for beginners

OK, thank you for visiting our Website, Read our Tutorial Article, and especially follow our Tutorial step by step. And if you guys have any Title Suggestion for the next article, you can post in comment. 
And we are apologize if there is an error in our article, or you can give advice to our article, you can post in comment to.

And, just waiting for our next update. Bye.



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