How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop easily

Today I will share about Photoshop Tutorial again. But it's up to you guys for using any version of Adobe Photoshop Software. And in ...

Today I will share about Photoshop Tutorial again. But it's up to you guys for using any version of Adobe Photoshop Software. And in here we will discuss about Text Effect Tutorial.

And we are gonna make Rainbow Text photoshop. It's actually so easy, and the result it's so beautiful and attractive. And don't worry for beginners in Adobe Photoshop, because this Photoshop Tutorial for Beginner.

Before starting to Text Editing, let's see the result of Text Effect Editing

How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop easily
Result ( source :

Ok, that is the result, if you guys want to make the text effect like that picture, let's follow our Tutorial step by step. And this is our Text Effect Tutorial Photoshop, please be patient. For get the satisfying result. 

How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop Software, for beginners :

1. The first of Text Effect Tutorial Photoshop is open your Adobe Photoshop Software.  
Then, make a New Worksheet by clicking File menu > New. Use a size of Worksheet like the picture below 

Width : 1366 pixel
Height : 768 pixel 

And use black color Background. 

How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop easily
Step 1 ( source :

2.  Make the text. In here I make "BLENDZ" for the text. And "Impact " font the type of font. But you can use any text, for an example is your name, or anything. For the Font type, you can use as you want, it's up to you.

3. In this step you need to use a right click on the Text Layer. Then choose Resterize Type.  Then press on Ctrl button until the square sign come out at the cursor. After that click on Text Layer. So the text will be selected.

How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop easily
Step 3 ( source :

4. In the next, if you are asking How to add color to text in Photoshop ?, this is the answer.
We will give the coloring on the text by using Gradient Tool. After entered on Gradient Tool Panel set the coloring like in the picture below. We are choose Multicolor text Photoshop.

How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop easily
Step 4 ( source :

5. After we are choose the color from Gradient Tool. Then pull from the top Left corner to the bottom Right corner of the text. Look at the picture below.
The text becomes Colorful Text Photoshop.

How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop easily
Step 5 ( source :

6. The next step, we need to Duplicate the Text Layer. By pressing Ctrl + J , then make the New layer. And in that New Layer, we need to give an effect by clicking Filter menu > Render > Clonds. The next step change the Blending Mode to the Color Dodge.

How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop easily
Step 6 ( source :

7. In here we will give the effect to the Text by active on Layer text Copy . Then click on Filter menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur.  And Set the Gaussian Blur with Radius : 293, 4 pixel. Then click Ok button.

How to Create Rainbow Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop easily
Step 7 ( source :

8. The last step. As your creativity. In here I will give the Brush on the Clouds Layer. Then swipe on the image. And finish.

Ok, that is our Photoshop Text effect 2018, and Simple text effect Photoshop. Thank you for reading our article, and following our article step by step. 
Just waiting for our next update. Bye..

Reference :


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