How to change Background Color in Photoshop

Hello guys, in here I would share about Photoshop Tutorial , that is How to change Background Color in Illustrator 2017 .  And before it, ...

Hello guys, in here I would share about Photoshop Tutorial, that is How to change Background Color in Illustrator 2017.  And before it, I already share about Change Background Tutorial, in Microsoft Word, and in Corel Draw. If you want to read the Tutorial, please click Link below.

And especially, this photo Tutorial is for change ID photo like your ID Card Photo, your Passport photo, and the other. 
And before we are start to Change Background Photo, you need to prepare a Photo, and for the Software is Adobe Photoshop, you can use any version of Adobe Photoshop. 

Actually beside we will change the Background Photo. The Tutorial are so simple, and easy. Especially for beginners

How to change Background Color in Photoshop
The Result ( SOURCE :

Then, I will start to explain the Tutorial of illustrator Background. Please follow our tutorial step by step to have the good result. 

How to change Background Color in Photoshop :

  • STEP 1 

The first, you need to open your Adobe Photoshop Software, and open your Photo that you have prepare. In here I will change the background photo from red color to the blue color. 

  • STEP 2

Step 2 ( SOURCE :

The second step of Adobe illutrator Tutorials for beginners is, you need to copy or duplicate the Photo Layer. By clicking Ctrl + J

  • STEP 3

How to change Background Color in Photoshop
Step 3 ( SOURCE :

The third step of Cool illustrator Tutorials is, choose Image menu > Adjusments > Replace Color....

  • STEP 4

Step 4 ( SOURCE :

Then in this Replace Color setting, you need to click on Ayedropper Too Icon then you need to use a right click on Background color that will change. Change the Result color to the color that you want to use.  

  • STEP 5

How to change Background Color in Photoshop
Step 5 ( SOURCE :

The fifth step of illustrator Tutorials for beginners step by step is, you need to pay attention on the photo. If you are still find the red color on the photo, for an example in the hair, in the face, and the other. To handle it, you can click on Add sample Icon. Then you need to click on the remaining red color . If you are find the other red color, you can use this step to handle it.
If all background has been changed you can click on OK button.

  • STEP 6

How to change Background Color in Photoshop
Step 6 ( SOURCE :

The sixth step of illustrator Tutorials for beginners step by step is, to remove the blue color in the lips and the tie, you need to delete with Eraser Tool . Look at the picture below.

How to change Background Color in Photoshop
The result ( SOURCE :

And, this is the result, actually you can change to the other Background color, as you want. For an example to the White Color, that id for your Passport Photo. 

OK, that is our Adobe illustrator Change Color Image. Thankyou for visiting our Website or blog. Read our Tutorial article, and follow our Tutorial step by step. 
And if you have any Title suggestion for the next Article. You can post in a comment. 
Then, just waiting for out next Tutorial article. 



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