Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step

In here I would share about 3D text Effect Photoshop , and before I share this Tutorial for you, we are should know about 3D text first. ...

In here I would share about 3D text Effect Photoshop, and before I share this Tutorial for you, we are should know about 3D text first.
3D or 3 Dimension Text Effect have their own beauty. With this 3D Effect the text seems inside the waking up space that is have side length and height. So that text look more alive, and real.

And in here for making this text effect, I am using Adobe Photoshop Software. And you can use any version of Adobe Photoshop Software, because the function is same. 

To make this 3D text effect, actually are so easy. Especially for the beginners. We are just need a few step, and you already be able to make this beauty text effect. Before it, I would share the result of 3D text effect. Look at the picture below :

Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step
The result

OK, that is our result of 3D Text Photoshop Tutorial. If you want to make like the picture above. Let's follow our Tutorial step by step. And please be patient. To have the satisfying and good result. 

How to Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step :

  • STEP 1

Open your Adobe Photoshop Software, then make the New Document, or new Worksheet, by clicking Ctrl + N on your keyboard.  Then, you need to set the size of your Worksheet or Document. In here I am using 600 x 350 pixel of the Worksheet size. If you want to make the other size, it's up to you guys. 

  • STEP 2

Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step
Step 2

The second step of Adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners is, Make the text. In here I make "Effect 3D" by using Horizontal type tool (T).  And you can make anything for the text, for an example is your name, or the other word, and of course you can use the othe font type, and other color. It's up to you.

  • STEP 3

Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step
Step 3

The third step of illustrator tutorials for beginners step by step is, Click on Move tool ( V ), then click Ctrl + J to duplicate "Effect 3D " text. 

  • STEP 4

Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step
Step 4

In here you need to change the color of the Effect 3D layer. To a darker color Because, before the color of the text is Blue Light, then I change to Blue dark to make the 3D, to make the effect of 3d more visible. 
And of course you can choose the other color, as you want.
Look at the picture below. 

  • STEP 5

Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step
Step 5

The next step of cool illustrator tutorials is, choose  Effect 3D Layer, activate the Move Tool (V), then click on right arrow, and bottom arrow on your keyboard 1 time, then press Enter.

  • STEP 6

Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step
Step 6

Click Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T , to make the "Effect 3D" text, copied together with the effects. Repeate this step ( click Ctrl + Shift + Alt+ T ) until you got the 3D text effect you want.

And in here to get the result I want, I copy that text until 9 times. And look at the result.

  • STEP 7

Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step
Step 7

Block all Layer, and all 3D text effect that you make, then click Ctrl + E, to combine into 1 Layer. 

  • STEP 8

Create 3D Text Effect in Photoshop, with simple step
Step 8

In this eight step you need to Double click that 3D text Effect. Then will show up the Layer Options. Next, choose Drop Shadow, this function is to show up the shadow effect. 

Until this step, the 3D effect already visible in your text. For the next, you can decorate that text as you want, for an example is add a Background Color, and more text, and the other. I know you are creative, and can make better than us. 

And, thank you for following our Text Effect Tutorial. Reading our article, visit our blog. And if you guys have the next Tutorial title suggestion, you can post it in comment. 
And just waiting for our next Tutorial article

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