Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step

Helloy guys, in here I will share other Photoshop Text Effects , that is How to Create Retro Text in illustrator .  This Retro design is f...

Helloy guys, in here I will share other Photoshop Text Effects, that is How to Create Retro Text in illustrator.  This Retro design is famous in the 70s until 90s. And until now, this design are still popular because this design are so attractive, and simple.

Ok, guys before I starting to explain the Photoshop Text Effects Tutorial, I will show the result of this Retro Text Effect. Look at the picture below :

Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
The Result ( source :

If you want to make like in the picture above, let's follow our Photoshop Tutorial step by step. Please be patient, to have the good and satisfying result.

How to Create Retro Text Effect in Photoshop :

  • STEP 1

The first step of Adobe illustrator tutorials for beginners is, open your Adobe Photoshop Software. Then make the new Worksheet or New Document by click Ctrl + N, on your keyboard. Or click File menu > New. Give the Worksheet size 1400 x 1000 pixels. And give the White color.
  • Then, make the new Layer in front of the Background , by press Ctrl + Shift + N or click icon New Layer in Panel Layer.
  • Use the Rectangle Marquee Tool ( M), then make the Vertical Rectangle.
  • Give the color in the Rectangle , by ensure the Foreground color is orange, but you can use the other color. To choose the color is, you need to click on foreground then choose the color as you want. Then, press ALT Backspace, then the color off Rectangle will be Orange color. 
  • Press Ctrl + D, to eliminate the selection line.
Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 1 ( source :

  • STEP 2

Now we will duplicate the Rectangle, until fill all Worksheet automatically.
  • Press the Ctrl + Alt + T on the Rectangle
  • Will show up the Transform Box around it. Then move the Rectangle to the right, until there is a distance. Then press Enter.
  • Continue by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T, until the duplicate result fill all Worksheet area. 
Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 2 ( source :

Then you need to combine all Layer that you make to 1 Layer. By block all Rectangle Layer, then you need to press Ctrl + E, and all Layer become one Layer. In here I give name for that Layer is "Garis".

Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 2.1 ( source :
And the important point is that Retro Background.

  • STEP 3

The third step of Cool illutrator tutorials is,  make the alphabet. By using Text Tool ( T) , write the initial letter that you want. In here I write "G", and use Showcard Gothic for the font type. But you can use the other font type as you want. Then give the black color.  

Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 3 ( source :

  • STEP 4

Go to the Garis Layer, then you need to press Ctrl + J to duplicate that Layer.  Then take the duplicate result Layer to in front of G Layer .  Then use a right click in  Garis Copy Layer, and create the Create Clipping Mask.

Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 4 ( source :

  • STEP 5

The fifth step of illustrator tutorials for beginners step by step is, Add outside line to the Text to make the shape have the Black Line limitation. 
  • Use a right click on the G text Layer. Choose Blending Options.
  • Choose Stroke.
  • Give the value on the Size as you want. The important is still Black Color.
Until here, you already can see the result of Retro Text Effect. But for the next alphabet I want to rotate the Retro line, to make the text effect looks more attractive. 

Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 5 ( source :

  • STEP 6 

The next step of illustrator tutorials for beginners step by step is, write the second alphabet. In here I write "R" , because I want to make GRAFIS text.
Repeate from the step 3 until step 5, but in here you need to rotate the Retro line by pressing Ctrl + T  to the GARIS Layer, then use a right click and choose Rotate 90 degree CW.

Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 6 ( source :

The next step, you can continue to make other alphabet with the same step. 

  • STEP 7

The next step of Cool illustrator Tutorials is, I will show up all alphabet I have made. The next step is make the Circle shape behind text to make Retro style more attractive and beauty. Then make the new Layer and put in front of Background. Give the Layer name. In here for the Layer name is Bulat.
  • Use a brush tool (B).
  • Ensure the Foreground color is black. Then just press D on your keyboard. Then foreground and the Background will be Black and White. 
  • Use a right click on Worksheet, choose the size of brush, ensure the Hardness is 100%.
  • Make circle shape like in the picture below. Or as you want.
Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 7 ( source :

Then, use a right click on the Bulat Layer and choose the Blending Options . Choose Stroke with the setting like in the picture below ;
  • Size 13
  • Position Outside
  • For the color use the orange color.
Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 7.1 ( source :

Then, add the Inner Shadow effect. And set like in the picture below . For the color make it same with the color of Stroke. Angle and distance , is as you want. If you got the good number. You can choose that value. Then click OK button.

Create Retro text Effect in Photoshop with simple step
Step 7.2 ( source :

OK, guys that is our Tutorial. You can add more affect, or text to have the good result. Or to make that more attractive. 

You can read : Create Colorful text effect in Photoshop easily

OK, thank you for visiting our Website, Read our Tutorial Article, and especially follow our Tutorial step by step. And if you guys have any Title Suggestion for the next article, you can post in comment. 
And we apologize if there is an error in our article, or you can give advice to our article, you can post in comment to.

And, just waiting for our next update. Bye.


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