Corel Draw Designs Creating Gothic Style On Corel Draw
it's been a while i didnt make any Coreldraw tutorial in this blog, now lets learn something stupid here ;) this tutorial onl...
For old fashion coreldraw user like me (still learning) , i use to creating all design manualy, but actualy there a lot of tools on corel draw now, to make easier to creating great design or vector, now, what we gonna use is Smudge Brush, tool location : below the pointer.
before i continue in this tutorial, you better take a look the video "Creating Gothic Style on Corel Draw"
Before we continue to color and effect, i would like you to know first how the smudge work,
theres few parameter on this tool
Nib on Smudge Brush
1. Nib Size, it is depends on the object width or height
2. Dryout Effect, at least for me this value is to make how long the brushes will go, the value smaller number is long effect, higher number is short effect
3. I dont know, but i thinks this is bearing, corel say is tilt, ..;( if you put value 90degree, the Nib become CIRCLE shape.
4. Tilt, if your object has tilt you can use this value to manage.
NOW !! continuing from the video ;)
after you can create the basic (in this case) Google Gothic
select the vector, than convert it into bitmap on the top menu, Bitmap > convert to bitmap
after you convert it into bitmap, than give some effects , Bitmap >Artwork >Sketch pad
than give the sketch pad value :
and the result is something like this :
By the way thats not vector right ? we cant edit the object.
Now, go to Bitmap > Mode > Black and white (1bit)
set it to Line Art and make the threshold value to default 128, Now you can see that the bitmap is black and white, The next step is convert it into vector with trace.Trace Bitmap > Outline Trace> High Quality Image
and the trace parameter :
and colors set to black and white, The result will be something like this :
yeeeeyyy thats vector . Now let put some colors on it. Use interactive fill tool . Tool position is the last tool (bottom) in toolbox Set it into radial, and the fill drop down make it to red color, and the last fill picker choose yellow
the next step is drop shadow effect to vector
create oval for background, with 2 line outside the oval
than set the oval, Order > to back of layer, drag vector in the middle of the oval
walaaaaaaa...... Not bad for Dummies, right ? hope it can insipiring you to create great vector design,
Done, Now select another tutorial :
I Spent time to make this CorelDraw tutorial, so feel free to make comments, i'll be happy to read all your comments, even "insulting" comments ;) come on split it out